Your Home Business: 7 Unique Business Tool Ideas For A Solid Foundation
Video Version of Article This great article will offer you many ideas for you home based business. If you are a home based business owner or a small business owner and you are looking for some ideas to promote your company, then you definitely need to consider these 7 unique business tool ideas, especially if you’re just getting started! 1. Marketing Funnel - You will find that having a marketing funnel, which is a website that allows your customers to opt-in to your company and get more information as they go, and then sort of guides them through the sign-up process or guides them through the process of purchasing something with your company, a great tool. Usually a funnel comes with an auto-responder system, so if you don't have that, you definitely should get one. Autoresponder systems cut down on 90% of the work involved with a website or a new business. Auto-responders basically send your e-mails out for you, they check on your o...