Ever Heard of NASA Certified Green Technology for the Home?
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Fresh Air Technology
Ever heard of NASA Certified green technology for the home?
Well, you're about to find out some great information, because the company
that I work for sells them! These are domestic products that are used in
the home, and they have various purposes. They range from air purifiers,
water purifiers, laundry technologies, and nutraceuticals, plus much much
more! Starting off with our Fresh Air technology, or our air purifier technology,
this NASA Certified technology is incredible, because once it is placed in the
home, it is able to purify anything from: pollen, dust, odors, smoke, chemicals,
dust mites, E-coli bacteria, salmonella, the flu viruses, any many many other things
that dwell in the air that make the air in the home extremely impure to breathe
compared to the air outdoors. This technology has been formulated in part by
NASA and utilizes what is called ActivePure, which is also used in spacecraft
to purify and scrub the air. This technology is so revolutionary that when it
is placed in the home, it can completely cause smoke to drop in thin air if you're
a smoker.
It can cover over 3000 sq. ft. of space of indoor air and that's only with
one machine! The way that it works is that it causes ozone to bind to molecules in
the air through the process of ionization, while in addition, utilizing the processes
and science that Mother Nature uses in sunlight, lighting, thunderstorms, and simulates
that same action and scrubs the air with it, causing the air to be purified, while
utilizing the ActivePure technology. And it is not a filter, it actually goes out to
the sources in the air, it doesn't draw the air into it. For example, doorknobs, while
the germs that dwell on doorknobs may be an issue, rather than having to worry about that
ever again, you would actually turn on your machine, and the machine would actually go out
and find germs and things of that nature in the air or on surfaces, because it has the ability
and is actually involved in the process of actually sanitizing surfaces. So this machine will
actually sanitize the doorknob for you. So it is able to kill those types of molecules, and
mildew, mold, paint odors, VOC's and these types of things. It is a very incredible machine.
The company has been producing this machine for over 20 years now. And best of all this
machine is not only eco-friendly, but also energy friendly, and virtually only cost cents a
day to run.
LaundryPure Technology
Second, is one thing that you may not have heard of that you will find extremely
revolutionary, the LaundryPure machine. It is called LaundryPure. And LaundryPure is
able to wash your laundry for you without detergent or hot water. LaundryPure also utilizes
ActivePure technology, and is based on the processes used in hospitals, hotels and laundromats,
where cold water is infused with oxygen, peroxides, and other gases to bubble and lift dirt
and grime from cloth fibers, leaving towels softer and fluffier, and clothes brighter and
cleaner. LaundryPure is able to do this, while yet reducing your laundry bill by up to $470/yr.
The average household washes about 392 loads per year at about almost $1.50 per load. This
revolutionary technology eliminates the need for laundry detergent and fabric softener.
It prevents the growth of odors and contaminates without bleach and hot water. It is so
incredible, when compared to a load of clothes washed with detergent, it leaves clothes 99.2%
bacteria free vs. laundry detergent at 99.5%, which leaves virtually no room scientifically for
error. It helps eliminate allergic reactions due to detergent residue. It keeps clothes brighter
longer, and keeps whites whiter. It get towels softer and fluffier and helps clothes last longer.
Finally, you save money and you protect the environment by removing the need for hot water and
Living Water Technology
Our Living Water you will find to be one of the most revolutionary products in
the environmental market and in the water market as well. The Living Water is able to
improve overall health simply because it is a machine that takes regular drinking water
and turns it from a potentially acidic state or a neutral state or even a basic state all
the way into an alkaline state. The body, scientifically speaking, is required to live
in an alkaline environment, because the best water even in the Himilayas, is low acidity,
and high in antioxidants and alkalinity. And because of the American high acidic diet such
as french fries and burgers, pizza and soda and coffee, our bodies tend to be more acidic
than normal. And yet, even our own drinking water, while it is virtually on the basic side,
rather than the acidic side, tends not to be as healthy as it could be due to the process of
water treatment and the adding of chemicals to the drinking water. Therefore, the drinking
water isn't enough. And bottled water for that matter when measured on a pH scale is
virtually acidic as well, not to mention the toxins that are found in the plastic bottles.
So you have to drink the right kind of water, water that will help your body buffer acid,
remove toxins, and that is easily absorbed. Acidosis can lead to severe dehydration.
Having Living Water in your home offers a limitless supply of alkaline, ionized healthy water.
Furthermore, you can even use your machine to create water to use in your home to clean and
cook with. Your body will be much more hydrated, has a higher ability to flush away toxins
and waste, and you may even get a boost in your ability to lose weight due to this amazing
Living Water.
Finally, we have a great line of nutritional products that improve the absorption of
nutrients, provide a more balanced diet, or assist with energy levels or ability to lose
weight, with products such as Re:Plenish, Re:Fuel, Re:Sist, which improves the immunity process,
Re:Vive and Re:Shape, and many many more!
If you would like more information about our company and our NASA Certified green technology
products or even our work from home opportunities, please see our website for more information!
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