LaundryPure Is New Revolutionary Environmental Technology
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This is hot off the press from my blog here. This technology
is fairly new, however it’s been around for quite some years
with our company, but there’s pretty much no other market for
this except with our company. Now, you may ask, “Well okay
it’s revolutionary, well what is it?” Well, it’s called
LaundryPure, and what it is, is it’s an eco-friendly technology
that is able to do your laundry without laundry detergent or
hot water. And you may be thinking, “Yeah right, Who cares”,
and “So what?” And the first thing that’s probably crossing
your mind is, “Oh my gosh, I feel guilty, because it probably
cuts waste in the environment.” And by all means, you
probably aren’t far removed from the rest of us, because all
of us do laundry, and most of us do use laundry detergent of
some sort in some capacity, and so it’s a concern for pretty
much anybody out there. However, if you own a washing machine,
then you will definitely find this technology extremely
helpful. It’s able to save your energy bill up to $470/yr.
That statistic comes from the fact that the average household
does about 392 loads of laundry per year. And that costs
between $1.12 and almost $1.50 per load, which averages
about $588/yr. The processes that the LaundryPure uses are
incredible. The no hot water and no detergent capacity is
due to the fact that this small easily installable machine
is based on the processes used over a decade in hospitals,
hotels and laundromats, where cold water is infused with
oxygen, peroxides and other gases to bubble and lift dirt
and grime from cloth fibers, leaving towels softer and
fluffier and clothes brighter and cleaner. You’re saving
energy and money with every load that you do.
This technology also utilizes ActivePure, which is utilized
on the space shuttle to scrub the air in space, and that’s
one way it is able to clean your laundry in an environmentally
friendly way. It is available for both front-load and top-
load washers. It simply uses cold water to do your laundry,
and it is equivalent to the cleaning ability of detergent
at 99.2% accuracy vs. 99.5%, which is virtually, scientifically
no difference. You’ll find your whites get whiter, and your
colors keep getting brighter, and your towels stay softer and
fluffier. Our maintenance free model has fail-safe leak
protection. You’ll find there’s no skin irritants, because
you’re no longer using harsh abrasive chemicals. You will be
happy to be saving money and protecting the environment by
removing the need for hot water and detergents. So be well
advised that this incredible technology will improve your
home for decades to come. Our LaundryPure is backed by the
NASA Certified ActivePure seal, and cannot be found in stores,
so if you want access to this hot new product, and would like
more information (Youtube Fox News video), please see the
website at the end of this article!
on the space shuttle to scrub the air in space, and that’s
one way it is able to clean your laundry in an environmentally
friendly way. It is available for both front-load and top-
load washers. It simply uses cold water to do your laundry,
and it is equivalent to the cleaning ability of detergent
at 99.2% accuracy vs. 99.5%, which is virtually, scientifically
no difference. You’ll find your whites get whiter, and your
colors keep getting brighter, and your towels stay softer and
fluffier. Our maintenance free model has fail-safe leak
protection. You’ll find there’s no skin irritants, because
you’re no longer using harsh abrasive chemicals. You will be
happy to be saving money and protecting the environment by
removing the need for hot water and detergents. So be well
advised that this incredible technology will improve your
home for decades to come. Our LaundryPure is backed by the
NASA Certified ActivePure seal, and cannot be found in stores,
so if you want access to this hot new product, and would like
more information (Youtube Fox News video), please see the
website at the end of this article!
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