Why The Best Gifts Usually Cost Less

Nowadays, you would think the cost of presents are going up, but in fact it is going down. Most families, households, and individuals spend less on material goods. Instead, they go for the value and the memorable moments that can be cherished long after the excitement or value of a material good has gone down. The purpose of this essay is to show how the best presents usually cost less, and many examples will be given to support this premise.

At Christmas time, you often see or hear stories of Macy's being crowded with busy shoppers that gather around to see events and spectacular Christmas tree lighting ceremonies and even sing Christmas carols as visitors with their families. As special as it sounds, the idea of Christmas is an ever-adapting holiday. While much holiday rush is exercised by consumers to get the best presents for their family and get them neatly wrapped under the tree before December 25th, it is not always the most expensive presents you find wrapped under the tree.

A hard-working husband might long for that expensive tool set, or that housewife might long for that new set of earrings. Those children might long for that train set or remote control car or Barbie-doll set or the latest toy on the market. The dog might even get something, a new bone or even a day at the doggie spa. However, a working-class or middle-class family may be able to afford these things, but along with these might also accompany some less expensive gifts to balance things out: a nice family home-cooked dinner and quality time with the relatives; an outing at a restaurant; a couple of smaller, less expensive or more practical gifts (clothes, gift certificate, etc.) Some things that will help the family say to each other, "I love you," "I'm thinking of you," "You are important to me," "You are appreciated," "You are remembered," but that will not break the family's budget.
Oftentimes, things like these are considered of manageable cost, while other things like vacations, a full day at the spa, a new car, a camera, or the nice shiny new guitar, are put on hold for quite sometime before purchasing them. Such things can be great experiences, but are meant to be treasured more nearly and dearly when they are imparted or given for longer, extended periods of time.

Nowadays, most children for example know that the family is on a budget, and therefore will ask for what they need rather than what they want or what is most expensive, because they don't want to treat their parents like ATM machines. A grown daughter out of the house might ask for something simple like an appliance for the home, and leave asking for big things like money as a gift, as rather something to obtain of her own independence and earnings rather than asking her parents for it. Young children will be just as satisfied with a $20 bill from their grandparents as their gift, as it is far more money than they have ever had at one time than say $100, because that would be too much, and normal children wouldn't know what to do with that much money until they got a bit older. Parents usually appreciate children who understand that more is not always better. Parents also appreciate when their children give gifts to others from their hearts, not based on monetary value or worth.
Expensive can mean more than the monetary cost of something as well. It can refer to the intrinsic, heartfelt value of a gift. A man who cooks and treats his wife to a candle-lit dinner for their anniversary at home, is not putting the value of the marriage on money, but on meaning and love for his wife, and cherishing a memorable moment together. Even so, the fact that gifts are fun to get when given for the sake of giving, they do not always have to be expensive. A woman loves to get flowers or chocolates for Valentine's Day. This tradition is one that goes miles to her heart, yet it is not by any means expensive or built on the value of money. Only simply making her feel special and loved. Yet even still, men think a woman has to have $1,000 or $2000 wedding ring before he can propose to her, but think about it. If you had a ring that was a family heirloom handed down, it most likely would not be that expensive right? It would be a simple wedding band, or maybe have a few carats in it. Yet, it is good enough to show her you love her and want to marry and take care of her in her eyes. Walk into any jewelry store and you will find good, beautiful rings for just a couple hundred or so. Even still, a man appreciates a good, simple breakfast in bed as a birthday present from his wife and kids. Anything added to that is simply a bonus!

From a financial perspective, expensive is in the eye of the beholder. What is expensive to one person can be pennies to someone else. A middle-class family may count a yearly or regular family vacation to be part of the normal budget, while another may consider it something to be taken only once every few years or for the destination to be the determining factor for the budget. Yet companies cater to families by adjusting their retail for consumers. Most people are aware that companies get merchandise for wholesale and either sell to customers for a little less or close to wholesale with a profit. Therefore, companies adjust their prices to fit consumer's budgets. Even big companies sell some of their merchandise at levels affordable enough for middle or working-class families and individuals to purchase. For even if the world's most richest 3% own majority of the entire world's wealth, that still leaves 97% of the population to sell and market to. Even then, discount stores offer similar or equally quality merchandise for cheaper. At a discount store, one can purchase a pair of house slippers, special bath and beauty supplies (lotion/shower gel packs), cologne or perfume, sporting equipment (a bat, basketball or football) or even power tools as gifts that have durability that far outweighs their cost.

Therefore, in conclusion, there are many reasons why the best presents usually cost less. Some include the fact that today's budgets are capable of affording those things that were once considered expensive for families such as nice presents for Christmas for the family to enjoy. Others include the fact that the level of value that is placed on material things is not considered as important as cherish-able moments or the meaning behind the giving of the gift. Finally, the idea of expensive is in the eye of the beholder and a nice family vacation may be too expensive to take every year for one family, but totally affordable for another. Companies are willing to market products and services to people according to their budget and the high cost of goods is not as much of a factor as it once was.
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